学术论坛:Does Distance Matter? Firm–Government Geographic Proximity and Strategic Corporate Philanthropy
发布日期 :2018-06-06

讲座题目:Does Distance Matter? FirmGovernment Geographic Proximity and Strategic Corporate Philanthropy






演讲人:Gracy (J.Y.) YANG


Gracy (J.Y.) YANG, 悉尼大学Senior lecturer,香港科技大学博士,在Academy of Management JournalOrganization ScienceLong Range PlanningGlobal Strategy Journal等期刊上发表多篇论文。


Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between a firms geographic proximity to the local governments and its corporate philanthropy in an emerging economy. Drawing on the geographic strategy literature and information voids perspective, we argue that a greater geographic distance of a firm from the local administrative governments increases the firms corporate donation. More important, this positive effect is weaker for firms with political connection but is stronger when governments intervention is greater. Two empirical analyses using a sample of 11,978 firm-year observations obtained from publicly listed firms in China from 2008 to 2013, and another sample of 3,775 firm-year observations obtained from the Chinese Private Enterprise Survey from 1995 to 2002, both support our arguments.


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