发布日期 :2023-05-12

讲座题目:Impact of relocation strategy on brand trustworthiness: experimental vignette research on fashion industry


主 讲 人:谢应基(YING KEI TSE)教授






主 持 人:刘晓红 122cc太阳集成游戏教授



谢应基(YING KEI TSE)教授系英国卡迪夫大学122cc太阳集成游戏教授,主要研究领域为:供应链质量管理;供应链风险与韧性;大数据分析;社交媒体数据挖掘;可持续供应链。谢应基教授已在领域内高水平学术期刊如:International Journal of Operations & Production Management; International Journal of Production Economics; International Journal of Production Research; Supply Chain Management: an International Journal等发表SCI/SSCI检索论文50余篇。谢应基教授现为International Journal of Engineering Business Management副主编,并担任Enterprise Information System; Industrial Management & Data Systems等期刊客座主编。



To avoid continued global uncertainty, multinational enterprises have begun to reconsider relocating operations to emerging countries. While re-shoring has been a phenomenon that is well studied, the literature largely overlooks the customer response to far-shoring. Therefore, this research investigates the effects of different far-shoring strategies on customer trustworthiness and satisfaction from the perspective of three countries - i.e., far-shoring country, host country, home country. We conduct a three-stage experiment with four far-shoring conditions (i.e., production, design, production & design, remain) with three countries' consumers. Results show that far-shoring to Vietnam (far-shoring economy) can significantly recover purchase intention compared with remaining in China. For the host economy (China), operating in China obtained the greatest purchase intention and word-of-mouth recovery. Lastly, for the home economy (US), relocating to Vietnam does not significantly impact customers' purchase intention recovery. However, the strategy of far-shoring design will lead to higher word-of-mouth recovery. Actionable winning relocation strategies are identified from the perspective of the far-shoring country, host country, and home country consumers, suggesting that businesses should consider the changes in purchase intention and word-of-mouth from customers’ points of view from different economies fully benefiting from relocation strategy and resource allocation.

上一篇:122cc太阳集成游戏卓越学术讲坛2023年第18期 下一篇:122cc太阳集成游戏卓越学术讲坛2023年第3期


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