Business School NewsNews
Data-driven Enterprises and Talent Reform: 18th Session ofCUFE-United Together “Drive Career Development ofBusiness School • Lecture” Held Successfully
Date :2019-03-20

On the evening of March 19, 2019, the 18th Session of CUFE-UnitedTogether “Drive Career Development of Business School • Lecture” was heldsuccessfully in the lecture theater of the MBA Education Center, CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE). Ms. Wang Huan, head of customersuccess and solutions at LinkedIn China, was invited to give a lecture themedon “Data-driven Enterprises and Talent Reform.” Luan Tian, a teacher from theCUFE MBA Education Center, attended and hosted the event.


A scene from the event


Luan Tian, a teacher from the CUFE MBA Education Center


Ms. Wang Huan, head of customer success and solutions at LinkedInChina


Ms. Wang noted that China is still in the midst of the digitalwave, which indicates an increasing demand for technical “hard skills.” Takethe increasingly growing vacancy of data analysts in recent years as an example.As the booming data-driven business becomes a mainstream, data analysis has graduallyevolved into an important approach to optimizing enterprises’ decision-makingand management. Meanwhile, with the increasingly blurred boundaries of differentprofessions and accelerating pace of their integration, enterprises tend to preferan integrated assessment of both professional expertise and soft skills ofexcellent talents.


Centering on the theme of “Data-driven Enterprises and TalentReform,” Ms. Wang employed authoritative data and reports released by LinkedInto unveil how data may impact enterprises’ strategies and their demands forhuman capacity in the digital age and explore what kind of talents can securecompetitiveness and lead the time of change.



During the interaction session, Ms. Wang answered attendees’questions pertaining to applications and trends of artificial intelligence aswell as data applications in specific industries. The chorus of enthusiasticdiscussion heated up the atmosphere of the event.


Presentation of a souvenir


Group photo



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