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CUFE-BS Academic Seminar: Generating research from marketing data
Date :2019-10-23

CUFE-BS Academic Seminar: Generating research from marketing data

Time: 23 October 2019, 13:00-16:00 PM

Location: Room A15, MBA Center, CUFE Business School

Speaker: Dr. Yansong Hu, Associate Professor of marketing atWarwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK

Host: Professor Xiao Hailin, CUFE Business School


Dr.Yansong Hu is an associate professor of marketing at Warwick Business School,University of Warwick, UK. His research interests focus on the development ofnew products, new technologies and services, their adoption and diffusion,social network, digital and social media. His research has published in leadingjournals in marketing and management, including Marketing Science, Journal ofProduct Innovation Management, and featured on INFORMS News andKnowledge@Wharton. His past research has won various international awards,including the American Marketing Association Outstanding Paper Award and theAmerican Academy of Marketing Best Paper Award. He is a member of the editorialboard of the Journal of Business Research, a research affiliate at the ChinaManagement Research Center of Cambridge University, and a regular reviewer forjournals in marketing and innovation research, including the Journal of theAcademy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, R and Dmanagement, and Industrial Marketing Management.



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