Business School NewsNews
Study Tour to Tianjin University and Experience Exchanges onTransformation and Development of Finance Clubs in the New Era of CUFE FinanceClub Conclude Successfully
Date :2018-03-11

On March 11, 2018, 20-odd delegates of the Business School FinanceClub of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), includingrepresentatives of the operations management team and other club members, paida visit to Tianjin, a city immersed in vitality in early spring. At the invitationof Tianjin University MBA Finance Club, the delegation went on a study tour andattended the exchange event on “Transformation and Development of Finance Clubsin the New Era” there.



The delegation of CUFE Finance Club first visited Peiyang Squareat Tianjin University (formerly known as Peiyang University),an edifice towering aloft throughout century-long vicissitudes, wherethey wondered at its history and cultural heritage and gained a deeperunderstanding of this prestigious institution of higher learning.






In great delight, the delegation also visited Tianjin Museum ofFinance along with their peers from Tianjin University MBA Finance Club. Bathedin the glory of history, amid ups and downs of Tianjin’s finance, they weremotivated to press ahead with historic missions, remain steadfast in performingtheir own duties, and make contributions to the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream.




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