Business School NewsNews
CEO Annie K. Lo of AACSB Asia Pacific Visits CUFE to GuideAccreditation
Date :2018-03-19

On March 19, 2018, Annie K. Lo, CEO of the Association to AdvanceCollegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) Asia Pacific, visited CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE) to guide accreditation, and waswarmly received by Wang Ruihua,Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBAEducation Center, and Ge Jianxin, Party Secretary of the CUFE Business School.


Later that day, CEO Annie gave a presentation regarding thedevelopment of AACSB to the Business School faculty and accreditation team. Shespecified the mission and vision of AACSB, challenges confronting globalbusiness schools today and tomorrow, and support provided by AACSB to itsmembers, including big data, accreditation consulting, international exchanges,and accreditation training.



In the Q&A session, CEO Annie had in-depth discussions withthe heads and other faculty of the CUFE Business School. She fully recognizedthe School’s accreditation achievements and gave detailed instructions onperplexing problems and difficulties in its accreditation work.




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