Business School NewsNews
Dean Wang Ruihua Elected as Member of the First Academic Committee of the China Industrial Economics
Date :2018-04-12

In order to fuel the prosperous development of China’s economicsand management science, support the integration of “Double First-Class”universities and academic journals, and leverage the crucial role of renownedscholars in journal running, the China Industrial Economics Press joined forceswith members of the Academic Division of Economics, Chinese Academy of SocialSciences (CASS), and academic leaders from key national universities andresearch institutes to convene a meeting on March 24, 2018, during whichmembers of the first Academic Committee of theChina Industrial Economicswereelected and the Charter of the Committee was adopted.


The Academic Committee of theChina Industrial Economicsseeksto enable the magazine to fulfil its missions, promote the development ofChina’s local theories, and pioneer the initiative of “Created in China” in theacademia. Cai Fang, Vice President and a member of CASS, was elected asDirector of the Academic Committee. Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of the BusinessSchool of Central University of Finance and Economics, was elected as a memberof the first Academic Committee.


TheChina Industrial Economicsis a national comprehensiveauthoritative journal dedicated to theories of applied economics and managementscience sponsored bythe Institute ofIndustrial Economics, CASS. Covering areas such as national economy, industrialeconomy, business administration, and case study, the journal is dedicated to publishingthe most outstanding, forward-looking, groundbreaking and standard researchendeavors that examine major cutting-edge theories and practical concerns. TheChinaIndustrial Economicsis one of the first to benefit from the NationalSocial Science Fund of China and pilot academic journals of the CASS innovativeproject; it won the Third National Journal Award (the highest award of its kind),and the first prize of the Second, Third and Fourth CASS Excellent JournalAward; it was selected into the list of the Third National Top 100 Journals; ithas been the top-ranking journal among national Chinese core journals in thefield of industrial economics for years; it was hailed as AMI AuthoritativeJournal in 2014 and the Highest International Impact Academic Journal of Chinafor six consecutive years from 2012 to 2017; and it has been an A-Class academicjournal for management science recognized by the Department of Management Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China over the years.



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