Business School NewsNews
CUFE Business School and MBA Education Center Business Practiceat Hanergy Concludes Successfully
Date :2018-04-11

On the morning of April 11, 2018, more than 70 MBA students fromthe Business School of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), ledby Kong Weiming, Dong Shuo, Chen Mingbo, and Luan Tian, teachers from the CUFEBusiness School and the MBA Education Center, went on a study tour to HanergyMobile Energy (hereinafter referred to Hanergy), and attended the job fair “HanergyStar.” Wang Feng, Vice President of Hanergy and Chair of Hanergy Academy, CaiJu, Vice President of Human Resources, Hanergy Global Human ResourcesHeadquarters, Guo Yanhua, Staffing Director, Lin Xiao from Hanergy Academy,Global Human Resources Headquarters, and Tan Yunxi, Jia Hongquan and ChiJingtian from the recruitment center received the CUFE Business Schooldelegation.






The CUFEBusiness School delegation visited the Renewable Energy Exhibition Center


At the start of the visit, Ms. Lin Xiao led the CUFE BusinessSchool delegation to visit the Renewable Energy Exhibition Center. According toMs. Lin, the Center, consisting of eight exhibition halls and one cinema, isthe world’s first specialized science education showroom themed on the “sun andrenewable energy.” Then, she went into details about the revolution of energy,China’s advantages in clean energy, and the thin-film photovoltaic technology.The CUFE delegation gained insights into renewable energy and the technologyfrom this visit.


A scene from theinformation session


Cai Ju, Vice Presidentof Human Resources, Hanergy Global Human Resources Headquarters


Hanergy presented theaward of “Hanergy Star Excellent Recruitment Partner” to the CUFE BusinessSchool


(From the left: KongWeiming, Associate Researcher of the CUFE Business School, and Wang Feng, VicePresident of Hanergy and Chair of Hanergy Academy)


Ceremony for presentingthe appointment letters of “Senior Recruitment Consultant of the Hanergy StarProject”


Presentation of aHanergy souvenir


Hanergy and CUFE conducted good interaction and built stablerelationships at the event. Hanergy engaged the four teachers Kong Weiming,Chen Mingbo, Dong Shuo, and Luan Tian as “Senior Recruitment Consultants of theHanergy Star Project,” and gave the award of “Hanergy Star ExcellentRecruitment Partner” to the CUFE Business School. The award and appointmentletters were presented by Mr. Wang Feng and Ms. Cai Ju respectively. AssociateResearcher Kong Weiming presented the “Charcoal Carved Dragon and Horse” toHanergy on behalf of the CUFE Business School, as a token of wishes forvitality and prosperity.


Wang Feng, VicePresident of Hanergy and Chair of Hanergy Academy


Mr. Wang Feng gave an extensive illustration of Hanergy’scorporate philosophy, talent selection, remuneration, entrepreneurship and talentdevelopment models on the occasion of the “Hanergy Star” job fair. According tohim, relationship marketing is already behind the times. Hanergy needsrelationships, but what it longs for all the more is the discovery andmarketing of value. Only the like-minded who truly identify with and understandHanergy can bring out the best in Hanergy products. Mr. Wang concluded hisspeech, saying that “Hanergy is a place that cherishes romantic sentimentality,so wealth can only be the by-product of Hanergy. We will only conduct ‘clean’business, in a bid to leave somewhere clean on the earth, protect the blue sky,and hold onto the fresh air. For the past 24 years, we have never wavered, andin the next 24 years, Hanergy will venture further along the way.”



Group photo


The visit of the CUFE Business School delegation to Hanergy cameto an end in the speech of Mr. Wang. Hanergy is headquartered in Beijing andhas a total of 15,000 employees. It has branches in many provinces in China andin the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Africa and otherregions. It is a multinational clean energy company as well as the world’sleading thin-film solar power company, committed to changing the world bythin-film solar. Through global technical integration and independentinnovation, Hanergy has become a world leader in thin-film solar technology.This study tour has implemented the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congressand furthered the connotative development of CUFE MBA programs. Moreimportantly, students have gained a deeper understanding of the effectivenessand timeliness of theory and practice by way of school-business cooperation inthe integration of practice and theory, enabling mutual benefits and win-windevelopment of CUFE and the company.



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