Business School NewsNews
CUFE Business School held the Review Conference for 2020
Date :2021-04-07

24 March 2021, CUFE Business School held the Review Conference for 2020. TheSchool Board members, faculty and staff of the School attended the conference. The conference was co-hosted by Vice Deans of the School, Professor Yu Guangtao and ProfessorJiang Feng.


Professor Yu Guangtao


Professor Jiang Feng


Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School,made a summary report of the School for 2020 on behalf of the School Board. Professor Lin reviewed and summarized the School's achievements in 2020 from 5 facets: Party building,student learning outcomes,academic research, international collaboration and communication, and alumni networking. The School have made remarkable achievements inacademic publications, teaching innovation,research team development,and international accreditation, etc.


Professor Lin Song giving summary report for the School


The Department Heads, Professor Xu Jin,Professor Geng Yong,Professor Wang Zhen,Professor Wang Yi,and Professor Liu Xiaoyuan, made summary reports for 2020 and plan for 2021 on behalf of their Departments, respectively. Leaders of the research centres, Professor Lin Song,Professor Liu Xiaohong,Professor Cui Xinjian, Professor Dai Hongyan, Professor Gu Leilei, and Professor Yu Xiaodong, made summary reports for 2020 and plan for 2021 on behalf of their research centres, respectively.


Department Heads giving reports


Leaders of research centres giving reports


2020was extraordinary for everyone. The School has made efforts to promote developments and achieved progress. In 2021, all faculty and staff of the School will continue to do their best for the development of the School according to the requirements of the “Double First-class” initiative.




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